What the hell does she do anyways?

Good question- I'm probably outside with my dog...

See Portfolio
Madi with flower shaped sunglasses on with her dog ev on her shoulders also wearing flower shaped sunglasses

What I do

These are the skills I can put on paper. Feel free to ask me about them, but fair warning, I may talk your ear off!

wireframe illustration

User Experience Design

I may not be a copy writer, but I sure do love hierarchy and the psychology behind design! The experience is a precursor to good design.

phone and watch wireframe illustration

User Interface Design

Using design to bring the human touch to technology, while keeping security and privacy at the center. I love it because it is logical, people love it when it works.

wireframe illustration

Product Management

Identifying customer needs, user needs, and business needs is one thing. Adding them all together for the best possible solution is the secret sauce.

Need some work done?

Send me your favorite joke and lets get the ball rolling on a new project.

About Me

It's not all work around here. Sometimes I sprinkle in climbing, high-lining, and even Knitting. You just never know!

Find out the bare minimum about me, including my job history, by clicking below!